I don’t know how to spread out what I’m feel just right now.
I’m just already listen for more than 64 songs, watched 3 movie straight away and depleted damn game at my computer, but my heart and my mind still concentrated and thinking for one thing that are made by God . Love.
Everybody need someone who’s gonna be there for them, no matter what happen. Someone who they can trust truly deeply without uncertainty. And most importanly, someone who truly.. Love them.
Since today, I’ve only truly been in love once. With “she”, most amazing woman in the world. But I was young, stupid, and maybe so fucking shit, and I messed it up. But in my great list of mistake, that was the greatest. When I finally found out how stupid I was and I decided to fight for it, but I was too late. She wouldn’t take me back. She was right. And then it really was too late. And I don’t expect “she” to forgive me, and even to love me again. But I love "she" so much. Surely.
There still a light of love,that is a truly, eternity, immortality that always given to us,but we ourself whose always ignore it,whose not appreciate what have been given to us,,Believe me or not,,ask yourself
tiga bulan yg lalu rupanya. aku ingat baru2 ni hahah
arh betul ba....
jd teda lar sdh...
klau saya...itu lar nitemare plg mengerunkan bos...
tapi bagi saya kamu tidak cinta dengan dia...kamu cuma sayang sepenuh hati...pendapat saya lar kan...cinta itu cuma akan wujud bila sdh ada ikatan antara llki/perempuan dan pasangannya....
kita belum memiliki cinta...sebab kita masih dalam keraguan jika hubungan itu belum trjanjikan apa2...( cuma pendapat dan apa yg saya rasa kebenarannya)
so go find perempuan yang ko/kita syg...dan cintai dia dengan ikatan dengan lafaz aku terima nikahnya...
cool owh kan kata2 saya...shit...
psst! Ada blog pula
ui alang! ada pl ko d cni blogspot jugaaa. heee. thx 4 d cmmnt yg bernas! anda mang bijak ;)
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